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Leadenhall Tower: Steps

Below are the steps in creating 'Leadenhall Tower'.

2012 Leadenhall Tower Computer Print.jpg

Drawing and computer print study.

Rory Brooke Leadenhall Tower in progress

Work in progress, February 2019

Rory Brooke Leadenhall Tower 2 March 201

Work in progress, 2 March 2019

19-03-09 Leadenhall Tower RB.JPG

Work in progress, 9 March 2019

Rory Brooke Leadenhall in progress 16-03

Work in progress, 16 March 2019

19-03-24 Linework RB.JPG

Linework, 24 March 2019

Rory Brooke Leadenhall Tower Screenprint

Complete, 30 March 2019


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